Parker Crimpers
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Since it's introduction in 1980, the Parkrimp family of crimping machines has led the industry in ease of use and rugged durability. From high-volume productivity to portable on-site assembly, we offer a variety of crimping machines, No-Skive hydraulic hoses and No-Skive hydraulic fittings to meet your needs. With Park imp equipment, anyone can make factory-quality hose assemblies quickly, easily, and cost effectively. Park imp machines are simple to operate. And, they're built to provide years of dependable service.
Seven Parkrimp models - an entire family of crimpers - are available to meet your bench-mounted or portable needs, crimping straight or bent-stem hydraulic fittings from 1/4" to 2" in diameter. Just use our No-Skive hydraulic hose and fittings to create leak-free hose assemblies whenever and wherever you need them.
The complete system from one source: No-Skive hydraulic hose, No-Skive hydraulic fittings, and crimping machines with worldwide availability and service.
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